Your Premier Specialists for Turnkey Library Interiors


Library Interiors of Texas offer a cooperative approach to all aspects of furnishing a library, from needs assessment, through design, procurement of exclusive products, project management, book and furniture moves, to installation and after sales care. Architects, designers and library professionals can be assured that they will be presented with the finest furnishing choices, delivered on time, within budget, and with continuing service.

Years of experience have proven that libraries require a level of furnishing of a very exacting standard, due not only to high levels of use by patrons, but erratic funding for maintenance and remodeling. LI-TX therefore consider it a duty to ensure that they design interiors built with high performing furniture and materials, offering exceptional durability and low maintenance costs.

With a constant eye on developing trends in librarianship; technology; furniture design; fabrics and finishes, LI-TX strive to provide interiors that will exceed the expectations of today but will adapt easily to meet the needs of the ever- changing and developing library of tomorrow.

LI-TX has been awarded pre-bid State/National contracts with BuyBoard, Choice Partners, GoodBuy and 1GPA, allowing customers the opportunity to purchase with confidence, knowing they are getting ‘best value’, while avoiding the high cost and uncertainty of the bidding process.

The Company is proud to have been accredited as a Woman Owned Business Enterprise by the City of Austin and NCTRCA, and have achieved certified HUB status with the State of Texas.

Library Interiors of Texas - 30 Years in the Making

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